2018年,匹兹堡大学 (University of Pittsburgh) 图书馆系统(University Library System, ULS)的东亚图书馆(East Asian Library)启动了“当代中国村庄数据”(Contemporary Chinese Village Gazetteers Data, CCVG Data)项目,其目的是从ULS收藏的村志中提取数据,创建一个开放的、展现中国乡村历史和发展建设的数据集。
“村”是中国最基础的行政单位,村志记录了中国村庄自1949年以来的基本数据,以表现中国村庄的历史和发展。目前,CCVG 数据是第一个含此类数据的项目,并帮助学者利用匹兹堡大学东亚图书馆的村志收藏(目前已经超过2,500种)。CCVG数据旨在尽可能反映中国各个省份村庄的发展情况,故在每个省份内随机选择村庄。需要指出的是各省份现可供村志的数量各异。创建CCVG 数据集,是从ULS收藏的村志中提取数据,输入ULS自行开发和设计的平台,并将数据集发布在CCVG数据网站上,供使用者免费下载。
Data Structure
The CCVG Data is divided into 18 data sets. A general outline of the data structure is included below. Please consult the data dictionary (PDF file) for detailed information. To learn about the collection and entry principles used for this project, please contact ULS-EALReference@pitt.edu.
村志信息 Gazetteer Information
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
Bib ID
书名 - 汉字 Gazetteer Title - Chinese Characters
书名 - 汉语拼音 Gazetteer Title - Hanyu Pinyin
出版年 Year of Publication
出版类型 Publication Type
内部出版 Internal
非正式出版物 Informal
正式出版 Formal
村庄信息 Village Information
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
村庄代码 Village Code
村名 - 汉字 Village Name - Chinese Characters
村名 - 汉语拼音 Village Name - Hanyu Pinyin
省 - 汉字 Province - Chinese Characters
省 - 汉语拼音 Province - Hanyu Pinyin
市 - 汉字 City - Chinese Characters
市 - 汉语拼音 City - Hanyu Pinyin
县 / 区 - 汉字 County / District - Chinese Characters
县 / 区 - 汉语拼音 County / District - Hanyu Pinyin
村庄总面积单位 Total Area Unit
村庄总面积 Total Area
经纬度 - 格式 Latitude and Longitude - Format
纬度 Latitude
经度 Longitude
距隶属县城距离 Distance to Affiliated to the county town - Unit
距隶属县城距离 Distance to Affiliated to the county town
自然环境 Natural Environment
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
海拔 (米) Altitude
平均降水量单位 Average Yearly Precipitation Unit
平均降水量 Average Yearly Precipitation Amount
平均温度单位 Average Yearly Temperature Unit
平均温度 Average Yearly Temperature
自然灾害 Natural Disasters
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
自然灾害种类 Types of Natural Disasters
年份 Years
姓氏 Last Names
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
姓氏总数 Total Number of Last Names in Village
前五大姓氏 - 汉字 Five Most Common Last Names in Village - Chinese Characters
前五大姓氏 - 汉语拼音 Five Most Common Last Names in Village - Hanyu Pinyin
首次拥有年份 Year of First Availability/Purchase
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
液化气 Liquefied Gas
管道燃气 Pipeline Gas
天然气 Natural Gas
自来水 Tap Water
供电 Electricity Service
电视机 Television Set
电话机 Telephone
有线广播 Wired-line Broadcasting
民族 Ethnic Groups – Range & Yearly
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
民族 Ethnic Groups
人数 Number of People
户数 Number of Households
百分比 Percentage (%)
人口与人口迁移 Population and Migration – Range & Yearly
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
视力残疾 Blindness
听力语言残疾 Hearing and Speech Disabilities
肢体残疾 Amputation and/or Paralysis
精神残疾 Mental Disabilities
智力残疾 Intellectual Disabilities
残疾人总数 Total Disabled Population
人数 number of people
户数 number of households
人数 number of people
户数 number of households
知识青年 Educated Youth
人数 number of people
户数 number of households
知识青年 Educated Youth
男性人口 Male Population
女性人口 Female Population
总人口 Total Population
户数 Number of Households
人口 Population
出生人数 Number of Births
自然出生率 Birth Rate (‰)
自然出生率 Birth Rate (%)
死亡人数 Number of Deaths
死亡率 Death Rate (‰)
死亡率 Death Rate (%)
自然增长率 Natural Population Growth Rate (‰)
自然增长率 Natural Population Growth Rate (%)
流动人口/暂住人口 Migratory/Temporary Population
迁入 Migration In
迁出 Migration Out
农转非 Agricultural to Non-Agricultural Hukou / Change of Residency Status
残疾人数 Disabled Population
军事, 政治, 管理 Military, Politics and Management – Range & Yearly
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
地主 Landlord
富农 Rich Peasant
中农 Middle Peasant
贫下中农 Poor and Lower Middle Peasant
男 Male
女 Female
总 Total
少数民族 Ethnic Minorities
男 Male
女 Female
总 Total
少数民族 Ethnic Minorities
入伍 Military Enlistment
村民纠纷 Number of Civil Mediations
刑事案件 Number of Reported Crimes
共产党员 CCP Membership
新党员 New CCP Membership
(土地改革时期) 阶级成分 (Land Reform) Class Status
经济 Economy – Range & Yearly
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
农业 Agricultural
工业 Industrial
生活 Household
商业 Commercial
农业 Agricultural
工业 Industrial
生活 Household
商业 Commercial
农业 Agricultural
工业 Industrial
生活 Household
商业 Commercial
农业 Agricultural
工业 Industrial
生活 Household
商业 Commercial
每人 per person
每户 per household
全村 village
商饮 Grocery
服务业 Hospitality and Service
仓储业 Warehouse
运输业 Shipping
建筑业 Construction
蔬菜 Vegetables
水果 Fruit
粮食 Grain
商饮 Grocery
服务业 Hospitality and Service
仓储业 Warehouse
运输业 Shipping
建筑业 Construction
蔬菜 Vegetables
水果 Fruit
粮食 Grain
总产值 Gross Output Value
总 Total
第一产业 Raw Materials
种植业 Agriculture
林业 Forestry
牧业 Animal Husbandry
副业 Miscellaneous
渔业 Fishery
第二产业 Secondary Industry
第三产业 Service
集体经济收入 Collective Economic Income
总 Total
第一产业 Raw Materials
种植业 Agriculture
林业 Forestry
牧业 Animal Husbandry
副业 Miscellaneous
渔业 Fishery
第二产业 Secondary Industry
第三产业 Service
耕地面积 Cultivated Area
粮食总产量 Total Grain Output
用电量 Electricity Consumption
电价 Electricity Price
用水量 Water Consumption
水价 Water Price
人均收入 Per Capita Income
人均居住面积 Per Capita Living Space
计划生育 Family Planning – Range & Yearly
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
育龄妇女人口 Number of Women of Childbearing Age
领取独生子女证 (人数) Certified Commitment to One Child Policy (number of people)
节育率 (%) Rate of Contraception (%)
计划生育率 (%) Planned Birth Rate (%)
上环 Use of Intrauterine Device (IUD)
绝育手术 Sterilization Surgeries
男性结扎 Vasectomies
女性结扎 Tubal Ligations
结扎总数 Total Number of Vasectomies and Tubal Ligations
人工流产 Abortions
引产 Late-term Abortions
教育 Education – Range & Yearly
村志代码 Gazetteer Code
村志书名 Gazetteer Title
小学 Elementary School
初中 Junior High School
中专高中 High School
小学 Elementary School
初中 Junior High School
高中 High School
小学 Elementary School
初中 Junior High School
高中 High School
在校生 Students in School
新入学生 - 大学 Initial Student Enrollment - College/University
老师 Teachers
受教育程度 Highest Level of Education
文盲 Illiterate
大专以上 College/University or Higher
How to download a dataset
Locate the desired dataset on the D-Scholarship page.
Right click Download.
Select Save Link As…
Make sure Save As Type is "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File".
Click Save.
How to download all datasets
Locate a zip file called All datasets and data dictionary on the D-Scholarship page.
Click Download.
Click Save.
There are 18 datasets included in CCVG Data:
Economy – Range
Economy – Yearly
Education – Range
Education – Yearly
Ethnic Groups – Range
Ethnic Groups - Yearly
Family Planning - Range
Family Planning – Yearly
Gazetteer Information
Last Names
Military, Politics and Management – Range
Military, Politics and Management - Yearly
Natural Disasters
Natural Environment
Population and Migration – Range
Population and Migration - Yearly
Village Information
Year of First Availability
Allowable Uses and Restrictions (Terms & Conditions)
CCVG Data can be used for research, teaching, and other non-commercial applications. The datasets may not be redistributed or reprinted for commercial purposes.
When using CCVG Data in published materials, please use the following citation:
East Asian Library, University Library System, University of Pittsburgh. (2019). “CCVG Data: [Dataset Title].” D-Scholarship@Pitt. Version 1. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18117/rfv4-kb89.
For each gazetteer included in CCVG Data, a document is available detailing the page within the gazetteer on which each data point is found. Researchers interested in viewing this documentation may send a request to ULS-EALReference@pitt.edu. Please include the village name and gazetteer title in Chinese characters.
荐书|Records of Social and Economic History
WeChat ID: jizi4086(集子)
E-mail: Chris4086@gmail.com